To the graduates of 2006
I went to my brother's high school graduation ceremony today and there was this one speaker who truly inspired me. Dr. Rod Elford, BPE. MD. CCFP. MSc. I really want to share with you, a bit of what he said.First off, he came on stage on his motorcycle in order to have his moment remembered by all the graduates. His speech had three main points. 1. Life sucks 2. Life is sweet 3. And sometimes we die. The point that really stick with me is that 3.sometimes we die. And it is usually not until we discover that we are about to die that we truly try to make the most of our lives and live! This is when people quit their jobs, leave school, go travelling, connect with people, spend all their money or give to the poor.
There is a saying "Live like you're going to die tomorrow". But if we lived like we were going to die tomorrow, we'd have no jobs, not education, no money. So instead, we should "Live like you're going to die tomorrow, but also live like you might actually get old and wrinkly".
So live your life to the fullest people. Work hard but let yourself have some play. Enjoy the company of others now! Go ahead and spend some money and share your wealth. And to those who are graduating and moving on, I wish you the best of luck.