Friday, January 26, 2007

The thing about Tokyo...

You'd think that mankind would stop sprawling when we run out of land but apparently, we can make our own land! I knew that the new Hong Kong airport is built on man-made land but I found out on my last trip to Tokyo a couple of days ago that even Tokyo has a new area developping from man-made land as well. I guess you can build upwards only so much but this adding a new plot of land seems unnatural. Calgary is is concerned with it's own urban sprawl...but how does it compare to this I ask?

Anyways, I made a few new discoveries on my trip to Tokyo. Instead of using the metro, I used the train that is above ground called the JR line. There are lots of other train lines available too but I can only learn so much in a day! It's neat, like combination of the C-train and Vancouver's Sky train. Oh, but in the new land, there is a line that is exactly like the conductor. You get a nice view of everything if you sit at the front so it was really nice!

I didn't do a lot in Tokyo this time. I was mostly there for a Photonics Exhibition but I got one day all to myself in which I spent shopping. I've been trying to stay away from that but I ended up spending a lot of money. Oh well, you only live once.

I took the overnight bus home and this time, I tried my best to stay up to look at the views. It was really cool. In Tokyo, they build highways on top of roads and other overpasses. So looking out the window, I was faced with the 5th story of apartment and business buildings. It felt very futuristic. And then I fell asleep and woke up to find myself home again.


At 11:23 PM, Blogger cyclich said...

yay, so no souvenir for kyle?


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